Pericles: The Hero’s Journey

The White Swan Hotel Rother St, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

A Wisdom of Shakespeare weekend, led by Peter Dawkins and Julia Cleave. Join us for a weekend exploring the various levels of knowledge and wisdom in Shakespeare’s Pericles, including a visit to see a Saturday evening performance of the play at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon. Pericles shows us the hero’s journey, and more. During ... Read more


Cryptic Meanings of Rosicrucian Headpieces and other such emblems

A talk on Zoom by Peter Dawkins, about the cryptography and meanings, divine and human, of the headpieces, tailpieces, and other such emblems used in the Shakespeare First Folio, Francis Bacon’s De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum, Duke Augustus’ Cryptomenytices et Cryptographiae, and other associated books by Bacon and the Rosy Cross Fraternity. This talk is ... Read more


Milan & Prospero’s Magic

20-22 & 25-27 October, & 3 November  2024 A hybrid event, part pilgrimage and part with talks, attunements and sharing on Zoom. In the Shakespeare play, The Tempest, Prospero is the Duke of Milan. During the play we discover that Prospero is a magus – a magician in the initiatory sense, who has acquired the ... Read more

The All-Seeing Eye

Bonnington House Jupiter Artland, Wilkieston, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Expanding awareness and vision in ourselves and the land Bonnington House, Jupiter Artland, Wilkieston, Edinburgh, Scotland This weekend event led by Peter and Sarah Dawkins – which is open to all who want to delve into the mysteries of the landscape, nature and the human soul – will include an education and training in expanding ... Read more

Cryptic Meanings of Baconian Frontispieces and Title pages

A talk on Zoom by Peter Dawkins, about the cryptography and meanings, divine and human, of the frontispieces and title pages used in Francis Bacon’s philosophical books bearing his name, which help to explain the Great Instauration and illustrate the various degrees of Speculative Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism. The Great Instauration is the Rosicrucian method and ... Read more
