The Dionysian Mysteries

A talk on Zoom by Peter Dawkins, the first in a series about the various Mystery traditions and their ageless wisdom teachings. The Dionysian Mysteries are amongst the oldest of the Mystery traditions. Established first in ancient Thracia, and renovated by Orpheus (hence known sometimes as the Orphic Mysteries), its wisdom underlies that of Christ ... Read more


The Bardic Mysteries

A talk on Zoom by Peter Dawkins, the second in a series about the various Mystery traditions and their ageless wisdom teachings. The Bardic Mysteries, which include the Arthurian Mysteries, were developed by the Brythonic branch (Cymry) of the Celtic people in Britain to a high point and had a major influence on early Christianity ... Read more


The Grail Mysteries

A talk on Zoom by Peter Dawkins, the third in a series about the various Mystery traditions and their ageless wisdom teachings. The Grail Mysteries are intimately associated with not only the Christian Mysteries but also the Bardic and Dionysian Mysteries. Indeed, the Grail Mysteries are more ancient than Christianity and can also be discovered ... Read more


The Swan Mysteries

A talk on Zoom by Peter Dawkins, the fourth in a series about the various Mystery traditions and their ageless wisdom teachings. The Swan Mysteries concern some of the deepest truths, and are embodied in the whole mystery of Shakespeare – the collection of works and their authors – and in the land. They provide ... Read more
