Revelation & Celebration

Schleswig, North Germany – Himmelbjerget, Jutland, Denmark – Jotunheimen Mountains, Norway

A Golden Child 'Quantum' Pilgrimage led by Peter and Sarah Dawkins. The ‘Golden Child’ refers to the good or golden heart, both of humanity and of nature. The Golden Child pilgrimages are designed to act as a prayer, working with key power-points in nature and the archetypal wisdom in the Dionysian mythology, to help rescue, ... Read more

The Grail Mysteries

A talk on Zoom by Peter Dawkins, the third in a series about the various Mystery traditions and their ageless wisdom teachings. The Grail Mysteries are intimately associated with not only the Christian Mysteries but also the Bardic and Dionysian Mysteries. Indeed, the Grail Mysteries are more ancient than Christianity and can also be discovered ... Read more


The Swan Mysteries

A talk on Zoom by Peter Dawkins, the fourth in a series about the various Mystery traditions and their ageless wisdom teachings. The Swan Mysteries concern some of the deepest truths, and are embodied in the whole mystery of Shakespeare – the collection of works and their authors – and in the land. They provide ... Read more


The Freemasonic Mysteries

A talk on Zoom by Peter Dawkins, the fifth in a series about the various Mystery traditions and their ageless wisdom teachings. The Freemasonic Mysteries employ the symbolism of the building and then the rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple, referring respectively to the Lesser Mysteries (the Craft Degrees) and the Greater Mysteries (the Holy Royal Arch ... Read more


The Rosicrucian Mysteries

A talk on Zoom by Peter Dawkins, the seventh in a series about the various Mystery traditions and their ageless wisdom teachings. The Rosicrucian Mysteries comprise a synthesis of the various classical and Christian wisdom teachings and mysteries. They contain the essence of all the wisdom knowledge gained by and passed on to initiates down ... Read more
